Blueprint: How to Prepare for an Online College Video Interview


Preparing for any interview can be a daunting task. My first college interview, trust me went smoothly even though I was very anxious initially. What helped me and gave me a boost in confidence was the ability to prepare, master and familiarize myself with questions that are likely to be asked during the interview session.

Top College Interview Tips

onuzurike chukuwagozie college interview prep.
College Video Interview Prep.

Advice for academics on preparing for video interviews

Well, before the interview, I had to prepare and equip myself with all information relevant to the college I was applying to. The college in question here is Dartmouth College. Whatever college interview you are preparing for, this blueprint is sure to guide you to come out top.

Top Colleges you can apply to and Prepare for their Interview

University of Dundee, University of Hertfordshire, Middlesex University UK, Dubai & Mauritius Campus, University Salford, University of Surrey, Coventry University, University of Essex, UK, University of East London, University of Chester, University of East Anglia, University of Swansea, Wales, University of Plymouth, Sheffield Hallam University, Aberystwyth University, Wales, University of Sutherland, Anglia, Ruskin University, University of Bedfordshire, Robert Gordon University, Scotland, Kings College, London.

Humber College, Toronto, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Lethbridge College, Toronto, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloop, Conestoga College, Institute of Technology, Ontario, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George British, Langara College, Vancouver, British Columbia, Brock University, St. Catherine, Ontario, MountAllison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, University of New Foundland, St. John’s New Foundland Labrador, Carlton University, Ottawa, Toronto Seneca College, Toronto, Simon Frasier University, Vancouver International, College of Manitoba, Winnipeg, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Fanshawe College, Southern Ontario, University of Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, York University, Toronto, Red River College, Winnipeg Manitoba, Algonguin College, Ottawa, Ontario, Columbia International College, Hamilton, Ontario Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, University of Winnipeg.

University of Debrecen Medical School, Hungary, University of Debrecen Centre for Arts, Humanities and Sciences, Hungary, University of Pecs
Semmelweis University, University of Szeged
Mc Daniel College, Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, University of Miskolc.


Edith Cowen University
ACN-La Trobe University, Sydney
Eynesbury — The University Adelaide and University of South Australia
La Trobe Melbourne — La Trobe University
MIBT — Deakin University, Melbourne
MOC — Macquarie University, Sydney
NIC — The University of Newcastle
QIBT — Griffith University
SABIT — University of South Australia, Adelaide
SIBT — Macquarie University, Sydney


Linton University, Malaysia
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation
Binary University
Masha University.


American University of Barbados
St. George’s University, Grenada
St. James School of Medicine, Anguilla.

How to Prepare for the College Interview with Tips

College Interview Questions Onuzurike
Possible questions and answers for a college interview

Possible questions and answers for a college interview

Possible College Interview Question: Tell us about yourself.

This open-ended question allows you to direct the conversation. Because it is so broad, your first instinct might be to also answer broadly. Don’t. Plan out what you might want to say as if it were a college prompt. Like a good essay, you can start with something general about yourself and then narrow to a specific anecdote or point. This is also a good opportunity to highlight a set of skills you have.

Example: I’m someone who is really passionate about the ocean. That’s why I plan on majoring in marine biology and becoming an NOAA scientist one day! I’ve already earned my scuba certification and have gone on a number of dives. When I’m not in the water, I really enjoy reading poetry or volunteering at our local library’s summer literacy program for kids.

Possible College Interview Question: What is your greatest strength/weakness?

This shows that you are a self-aware person. When talking about your strength, don’t be humble. Give examples so that it’s not just you talking yourself up. For the weakness, try to paint it as something about yourself that you are attempting to improve, or an obstacle you want to overcome. Again, give examples.

What questions do they ask in college interviews?

Possible College Interview Question: Who has been a role model for you?

Make sure you consider this one beforehand. The people you admire says a lot about you, and you need to be able to explain that. Is it a famous person? Is it a family member? A teacher? It’s important to remember your role model’s character flaws as well, and how they are also inspiring in spite of them (or maybe because of the way they’ve overcome them).

Possible College Interview Question: Tell me about a mistake you made.

Like naming a weakness about yourself, they’re looking for self-awareness of your flaws. No human is perfect. More importantly, they’ll also want you to explain what you’ve learned from your failures. How have you also grown as a person because of that experience.

Possible College Interview Question: Why did you choose this school?

As it’s highly unlikely you just picked a school at random, you should be able to answer this pretty easily. Was it because of a certain program offered? Did a family member also attend? Has this always been your dream school? Expound a little on your answers — they’re looking for someone with passion, who is also going to commit to earning a degree at that institution. They want to know your answer to “why you want to go to our college”.

Example: My mom, aunt, and two cousins all went to the University of Iowa, so I’ve basically been a Hawkeye since birth. But what really drew me to Iowa was its spectacular writing program. I went to a couple of summer writing camps there and they cemented my dream of wanting to be an author. When I toured the campus it just felt like home. I also sat in on an English class and clicked with the professor right away. (this is just an example BTW )

How should I prepare for a college interview?

Why this form of response Works:

Speaking of English, do you remember ethos, logos, and pathos when it comes to being persuasive? This response has all three.

Ethos (establishing authority on a topic): They have a long-standing familiarity with the university through family and the personal experience of the summer camps.
Logos (logical points): The student establishing their goal is to be a writer, that they attending writing camps, and that the university has a well-known writing program.
Pathos (an emotional connection): In addition to the family connection, the student emphasizes that the campus felt like home and that they connected with the teaching staff.

Possible College Interview Question: What activities are you involved in?

Like with your college application, you’ll want to demonstrate that you do more with your time than study. This is a great opportunity to showcase your willingness to work with other people, show that you have a good work ethic at your job, and also talk about your involvement in groups. You shouldn’t list everything; you’ll want to talk about the groups you’ve contributed to. Be sure to mention the activities that are also related to the scholarship, if any.

Possible College Interview Question: Is there anything else you want to add?

Always take this question seriously. They are giving you the opportunity to talk about anything you feel wasn’t sufficiently covered by the other interview questions.

A teacher interviews a student Onuzurike
Common Interview Questions for College Students

What should you not say in a college interview?

Possible College Interview Question: What is your favorite book/movie/song?

This is a gimme, just be prepared to explain what it is you like about the piece. You want to avoid giving an answer out of habit but being unable to back up why that book/movie/song means so much to you.

Possible College Interview Question: What questions do you have for me?

You always should have questions. This shows you were planning ahead. Prepare at least four beforehand, and feel free to add to those based on what you learn in the interview.

You may decide to ask or follow these:

Yes, as a former scholarship recipient yourself, did you notice what made this experience a special one?

What do you wish people in my shoes knew about attending St. Mary’s College?

Do you have any advice for me as I prepare for college?

All of these questions indicate that the applicant is thinking about the choices ahead of her and not passively moving through the application process.

Other Possible college interview Questions you should prepare yourself for:

  1. What are three adjectives that describe you?
  2. Why do you want to attend this college?
  3. What’s a book you’ve read recently?
  4. Describe a challenge you’ve overcome. How did you do it?
  5. What are your biggest strengths?
  6. What are your biggest weaknesses?
  7. If you could live in a historical period other than this one, when would it be?
  8. What is your prospective major and why?
  9. Who is your role model?
  10. Where do you want to be in 10 years?
  11. What do you like to do outside of school?
  12. What makes you unique?
  13. What’s one project or experience you particularly enjoyed in high school?

Need possible response to these questions, check out: CollegeVine

Common Interview Questions for College Students Onuzurike
One-on-One Interview

Onuzurike Chukwuagozie
Content Creator | Digital Marketer | Web Developer | E-commerce Enthusiast

“always create, don’t compete”
Touching Lives through creativity. Adding more value!

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Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie
Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie

Written by Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie

A Facebook marketing Expert Who Helps Small Businesses make more sales using the power of digital marketing. I love creating related content as this.

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