Getting A Solar Energy System in Nigeria? Important Things/Factors to Look Out For
— First Time Experience of Solar Power
I always get questions like the one below from many prospective clients who wants to get their own solar power system:
When getting a solar system for home use in Nigeria, what are the things to look out for when it comes to battery & other components.
Your candid response will be well appreciated🙏
You know how you always have to ask relevant questions especially when you are embarking on a massive projects like getting your own solar power. Yes, generating your own electricity using Solar energy. You will be spending hundreds of thousands of naira, sometimes a couple of millions to get your solar power up and running. You make enquiries, make consultations. Of course everyone wants to get value for their money. And you surely and most definitely wants to get it right the first time. Who wouldn’t. “Money hard to get o”
It’s human nature, we do that all the time. I do that too. Ask important questions and make enquiries, especially when embarking on capital intensive project like solar energy system installation.
As a solar energy consultant who have worked on several project and helped many clients both in Nigeria and beyond setup their own solar energy power system, I have decided to put together the things to look out for when it comes to battery & other components while setting up your own solar system. This is the best professional advise on solar energy system you will ever get for free. On a normal day, you will surely pay for golden info as this. Because if you don’t know and you go to market, they, the sellers are likely going to offload what they have on you. And it might end up in premium tears and regrets.
So to embark on any solar energy system project, you must answer these very important questions:
Why do I need the solar system?
What is my budget for this solar system?
What type of load do I intend to run on this solar energy system?
Answers to these questions is very critical and will determine if you will enjoy your solar energy power to the fullest or not.
Technical Section: Basic Components Needed for Solar Panel System Installation
Note: You can skip this section if you don’t want to bug your self with the nitty gritty of getting your solar system up and running. Let the professional you are contracting worry about these details.
It’s technical knowledge though important. If you are a solar installer or want to know more about solar energy power installation, read on:
Important questions to ask your Solar Energy installation Engineer
what type of batteries will you be using
What type of solar panels will be used for the project and why
What is the lifespan of the installation being being done for you