Research — Propose a way to keep Contract Talent engaged in between Projects


Contract Talent Engagement


1) Propose an innovative way for KPMG to stay connected and engaged with contingent talent, even when they’re not working on a specific KPMG project.

What channels/mediums would your idea use to keep talent engaged? (ex. video, social media, events, something else?)

Explain what kind of content you think KPMG should use in its strategy to keep talent engaged.


KPMG, just like every company and every team leader wants high employee engagement. This becomes more important when a significant portion of your employee base is comprised of contingent talent.

An innovative way for KPMG to stay connected and engaged is to place talented marketing professionals in contract roles where they hold high impact positions such as digital and brand strategists, art directors, UX designers, product managers, copywriters, and more. All the studies show that engaged employees lead to higher customer satisfaction, which leads to higher revenue and profits. If your company is increasing your usage of flexible talent, you need to consider how you can engage that talent to drive performance.

It’s essential to put emphasis on the candidate and company culture match for all talent, whether permanent or contingent.

KPMG can keep its contingent talent engaged by organizing events and recognize achievements. Recognition builds engagement. Highlight positive outcomes, whether they are big or small. Recognition motivates people and it gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work. This is especially true for contractors.

Creating synergy between permanent employees and contingent workers is difficult when someone is not present to act as a liaison and set expectations from day one. Synergy is important to both the company and contingent talent as it can foster positive relationships, collaboration, and innovation.

Here are a few other engagement initiatives to consider:

· Extension of recognition programs to permanent employees and contingent workers

· Partner with a contingent workforce provider who offers appealing benefits to contingent workers

· Establish a mentorship program between permanent employees and temporary workers

· Encourage contingent workers to attend networking events on behalf of the company or volunteer for any community service projects in which employees are participating.

· Include them in company socials or relevant training exercises so they have opportunities to form closer bonds with coworkers and feel like part of the team.

· Invite them to attend meetings relevant to their own projects and to those regarding the company as a whole. Solicit their feedback and encourage them to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns.

Employee engagement winning the Talent War


2) What incentives would your idea provide to contingent talent for staying engaged with KPMG in between projects?


Rewarding a contingent staff makes good business sense. To show each temporary employee that he is a valued part of your organization, use this quick list of tips:

Create a formal job description:

Doing so sends the message that the employee and the work he does are important.

Orient and introduce:

When a new short-term worker shows up, introduce him to the people with whom he will be working. Give him a formal tour of your location, pointing out the lunchroom, restroom, etc. Do what you can to make him feel like a part of your team.

Treat him with respect:

Introduce the worker to his colleagues by giving his full name. Explain to everyone involved the role he will play. This presents your temporary in a much more respectable light to his new co-workers — and presents you as a professional in the temporary employee’s eyes.

Provide a challenging environment:

Encourage contingent workers to beat the performance or quality standards set for your direct staff. Take the time to learn about each temporary worker’s skill set — you may uncover additional capabilities that could benefit your company. Finally, challenge each short-term worker to use his talents to their fullest potential. This increases the likelihood that he will stay working for you.

Consider a cash completion incentive:

If you have no plans to hire a contingent worker onto your own payroll, consider offering a completion bonus. A cash incentive can be very helpful in keeping a highly skilled individual working on a long-term project to its completion.


3) How would your idea strengthen brand loyalty among KPMG’s contingent talent pool to increase the likelihood they would choose to work with KPMG in the future?


Keep a contingent talent in the loop:

Without sharing proprietary information, include your contingent talent as a recipient of memos, company announcements. When appropriate, invite him to company meetings and share information regarding your organization’s goals and challenges. The more involved he feels, the more invested in your success he will be.

This was a private research done in August, 2021 by Onuzurike Chukwuagozie and also a part of Mindsumo Challenge. It has been laying idle since then on my PC, but I believe you might find it resourceful. I refuse to remain silent! No one should!!

Does this work make me a researcher? Hell Yeah…hahaha

So, if you have any research work, hit me up:

Mindsumo Challenge: Propose a way to keep contract talent engaged in between projects

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Onuzurike Chukwuagozie

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Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie
Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie

Written by Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie

A Facebook marketing Expert Who Helps Small Businesses make more sales using the power of digital marketing. I love creating related content as this.

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