Updated Abuja — Kaduna Train Price and Schedule in 2020 | Other Major Facts


Kaduna to Abuja Train Ticket Prices | Kaduna to Abuja Train Ticket Prices as of January, 2020

Nigerian Railway Corporation | Ticket | touching lives
Nigerian Railway Corporation | Ticket

✅ First class express trip: N3,000

✅ First class normal trip: N2,500

✅ Economy express trip: N1,500

✅ Economy normal trip: N1,300

Express and Normal Trip Explained

The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC), added new services to cater to business travelers and others that are in a haste to get to their destination. The new services are the Normal and express trip.

Express Ride:

The train does not stop at any of the stations along the Abuja — Kaduna route. It is a non-stop ride.

Normal Ride:

This is exactly opposite of express service. The train will stop at all the train stations along the Abuja to Kaduna route.

Also, a luggage carriage van has been added. If you have lots of luggage, worry less, there is a baggage van for you.

Nigerian Railway Corporation | Idu Train Station | touching lives
Nigerian Railway Corporation | Idu Train Station
Onuzurike Chukwuagozie Train Experience | Nigerian Railway Corporation
KADUNA — ABUJA Train Schedule
Onuzurike Chukwuagozie Train Experience | Nigerian Railway Corporation
ABUJA — KADUNA Train Schedule
touching lives Train Experience | Nigerian Railway Corporation
KADUNA — ABUJA Train Schedule
Onuzurike Chukwuagozie Train Experience | Nigerian Railway Corporation | touching lives
ABUJA — KADUNA Train Schedule

Source: procyonnews

Other Major Facts


Budget | Time of Inauguration:

The $1.46 billion Abuja-Kaduna train service, which was inaugurated on July 26, 2016 by President Muhammadu Buhari, was kicked off by President Goodluck Jonathan’s regime and has worked for over two years without interruption.

Travel Time | Number of Stations | Length of Railway

Abuja-Kaduna railway is a 186km line with standard gauge railway tracks from Idu, near Abuja, to Kaduna in the north-western region of Nigeria. It has nine stations and features both passenger and cargo trains.

The passenger trains on the line can operate at a speed 100km/h. The travel time between Abuja and Kaduna is about 2 hours 30 minutes.

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I’m a passenger like you and decided to put up this information to help Nigerians. I don’t work or have any affiliations with the Nigerian Railway Corporation, except you will like to recommend me 😃

From NRC Website:

🚄 TRAIN SCHEDULES AND FARES — Nigerian Railway Corporation

🚄 Nigerian Railway Corporation — Official Website

Onuzurike Chukwuagozie | touchinglives | touching lives

Onuzurike Chukwuagozie is an ICT consultant at Starlets Academy, an eCommerce Enthusiast and a Digital Marketer. | For more Inquiries: 07035199394

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Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie
Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie

Written by Onuzurike "TouchingLives" Chukwuagozie

A Facebook marketing Expert Who Helps Small Businesses make more sales using the power of digital marketing. I love creating related content as this.

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